The Eye of Horus
Gematria - What is it?
The Eye of Horus


The Oxford English Dictionary defines gematria as, "A cabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures by interchanging words whose letters have the same numerical value when added." This is actually an unduly restrictive definition because gematria was every bit as important to other peoples in antiquity, and examples of its use are far more common in the culture of classical Greece than in Judaism.

Hebrew and Greek are the two languages with which gematria has been traditionally associated and until now the gematria of other languages has not been on such a secure footing. On this website I demonstrate that English, with its origin in Latin script, is every bit as valid a language for gematria and that its heritage by this means is as rich as those of Hebrew and Greek. The only difference being that the gematria coding of English has been one of the best kept secrets of the English-speaking world.

For a further explanation of gematria and a differentiation from notarikon, see this page



How does it work?

Gematria works on the premise that the letters of the alphabet can also be used as numbers, and therefore words and phrases acquire distinctive numerical values. A well known example is that of God, whose name spelt in Hebrew, is IHVH (יהוה). The values of these four letters are 10 - 5 - 6 - 5, thus the 'number of His name' is 26. It follows from this, by means of numerical equivalence, that God is identifiable with AHBH and AChD - Love and Unity - because the letter values of these two words sum as 1 + 5 + 2 + 5 and 1 + 8 + 4 = 26.


Why the name Gematria?

Gematria is said to derive from the Greek word Γεωμετρια - meaning Geometry. It may also be compounded with the word Γραμμα - meaning Writing. The reason for the geometric connection is because the rules of sacred geometry play an important part in the secondary encoding of literary cabala. Isolated numbers, such as 26, have only limited utility: they are the words of the numerical language. The sentence structure, or grammar rules, derive from number patterns which are conformed according to the properties of 'sacred' geometry.


The Creator

We can consider, for example, a Vesica Piscis - one of the most important figures in sacred geometry. A vesica with a width of 26 - IHVH (the Creator), has a height of 45, which is the gematria value of the man he created ADM - Adam. The difference between God and man is 45 - 26 = 19. This is the value of the woman created as a companion for Adam, ChVH - 'Eve'. In this way the sacred vesica defines the relationship between the Creator and mankind.

God's primal act of creation is encapsulated by the first verse of Genesis. The Hebrew words here - BRAShITh BRA ALHIM ATh HShMIM VATh HARTz - have a value of 2701. Among the many interesting properties of this number is the fact that it comprises the sum of 26 squared (676) and 45 squared (2025) - hence the combination of God and Adam. This means that the 26 by 45 rectangle enclosing the vesica of creation has a diagonal of the square root of 2701.

In addition to this, the circle within which the rectangle may be precisely drawn has a circumference of 163, and by this means can symbolise that which was created: AaVLM HZH - 'This World'. It is also a fact that the area of the rectangle is equal to that of a square with a perimeter of 139: the value of - GN ALHIM - the Garden of Eden. Furthermore, the difference between 2025 and 676, gives the value of GN ALHIM when the final letters N and M are counted high - 1349. At the same time, the area of the rectangle is equal to that of a circle with a radius of 19 - ChVH - Eve.

There are unfathomable mysteries in the gematria of Genesis and this but a gleam from the crest of the tip of a very large iceberg.




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