List of Articles
Tired with a Peacock's Tail: All Eyes on the Upstart Crow
An examination of the sentence at the heart of Greene's Groats-worth of Witte that has traditionally been claimed to identify Shakespeare as the target of attack. I argue that the real target was almost certainly Edward Alleyn.
Author's note: If correct, this conclusion is important for the cause of Marlowe's candidacy, because it shows that Shakespeare was entirely unheard of as a writer prior to Marlowe's death. The name Shakespeare was first recorded on a piece of writing (Venus and Adonis) ten days after that event.
In Quest of the Crow Maligned for the Unyarking of Robert Greene
This paper follows on from the previous article Tired with a Peacock’s Tail. It examines the wider context of Greene's attack on Edward Alleyn in his Groats-worth of Witte. This paper has not been published yet in a journal, but it is available as a preprint. Please email me if you are interested, and I can send you a copy.
Fowl Satirical Conceits: B.J. Twits the Bird of Avon
This paper examines the relationship between Ben Jonson and Shakespeare. It argues that Jonson satirised Shakespeare as a nouveau riche bumpkin in three plays: Every Man Out of his Humour, The Case is Altered and Guy of Warwick. This paper has not been published yet, but if you are interested, and I can send you a copy. .